Current Tree Care Advisor Resources

Tree Care Advisor Program Hub

Need to update your contact information?

As we all know, people move, change cell phone numbers, create new (non-spam filled) email accounts, etc. If any of your contact information changes, you are able to update it in your MyImpact profile at This will ensure you stay up-to-date with any Tree Care Advisor program developments.

However, the MyImpact volunteer database is separate than that for our UFOR newsletters, email blasts, etc. Please also fill out our Contact Information Update Form if you would like to stay connected with those outlets.

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Working with the Public

Tree Care Advisor Status Forms

Emeritus Application

If you have been a Tree Care Advisor for 10+ years or have completed 1,000 hours of volunteer work, you are eligible for Emeritus status. If you are interested, please fill out and return the application below by email or mail for review by the program coordinator.

“Emeritus” is a status for Minnesota Tree Care Advisors (TCAs) who have made significant contributions to the program. Emeritus volunteers get in free to all Tree Care Advocate Programs. The status also allows continued participation by these individuals if they must limit active participation due to retirements, health issues, or new family obligations.

Emeritus Tree Care Advisors may continue to serve as a resource to other volunteers and participate in activities as they are able. (They have no minimum annual volunteer hours commitment.) Emeritus Tree Care Advisors will not be allowed to teach classes or offer tree care advice through the TCA program unless continuing education hours are completed. Emeritus Tree Care Advisors should continue to report volunteer hours if possible.

Requests for Emeritus status are accepted all year. Applications are reviewed by the program coordinator.

Tree Care Advisor Reactivation Form

This form is for Minnesota Tree Care Advisors that have previously completed the Tree Care Advisor Core Course and have gone inactive due to not submitting required volunteer and/or education hours, did not fill out and return the Temporary Inactive or Emeritus change request forms, and/or alerted program coordinators that they were going to go inactive.

Please fill out the entire form and return it to program coordinators with your reactivation fee, at which point they will alert you of ways to complete the current requirement of attending a best planting practices course to update your education. This reactivation class requirement is subject to change.

Reactivation Request Form (PDF)

Temporary Inactive Application

If you are seeking Temporary Inactive status as a TCA due to constraints in your life at this time (e.g. death in the family, loss or gain or employment, birth of a child), please fill out and return the following application by e-mail or mail for review by program coordinators.

Temporary Inactive Status Application (PDF)